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Hide custom code within SP 2010 modal windows

If you have ever added custom elements to your master page above or below the standard DIV tags you will notice that they start appearing in the SharePoint 2010 Modal windows when you don’t want them to.

The simple fix is to use the class “s4-notdlg” on your custom element to hide it when viewing the modal pop up windows.

To give you a better idea of what I am talking about I added in a simple DIV tag right above the s4-ribbon row DIV: The inline CSS below is just to make it stand out.

<div class="my-customdiv">Here is my custom header</div>
    background-color: #009;
    border-bottom: 4px #FFF solid;
    text-align: center;
    color: #FFF;
    font-size: 10pt;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 10px;
    height: 30px;

Here is what the site looks like with the custom header applied:

If I create a new list item or upload a document, the Modal Window shows my custom div above the input form. Not good…

To fix this you simply have to add the “s4-notdlg” CSS to the custom DIV tag to hide it from the modal window.

<div class="s4-notdlg my-customdiv">Here is my custom header</div>

Now the modal window will not show my custom DIV:


Anonymous said…
Handy tip, thanks!
Anonymous said…
Very good article.. good work..
Jhon Davis said…
I new another old method but this method is a lot easier, thank you for blogs.

- John Devis
Magento Themes
Unknown said…
Beauty is in simplicity...I'm a devotee of your blog!! You are my no 1 resource for all things sp branding. I'm working on a 2010 publishing site for a high proile client, including your centered fixed width solution and the only issue I'm having is controls (i.e. save, cancel...) disappearing in modal windows. I saw this post on hiding custom code in modal windows and I was wondering how to incorporate the two solutions? Sorry to be vague, pls let me know if you need more details. Keep up the excellent work!!
Web Design Firm said…
@ Jessica! great comment, you are absolutely right about this blog. It has great value for us.

- Tanya
Web Design Firm
Samim Al-Bader said…
You were and will be the best resource for information and tips regarding sharepoint branding as well as other aspects. Thanks alot from my heart for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Your blog has a great source of information to learn from in web development. Looking forward to more updates has with is.
Christine said…
Thank you for this incredible blog, you explain things so well (I am a SharePoint 2010 beginner and your stuff is really so valuable), I wish I'd discovered you sooner! Thank you for sharing so much knowledge.
Wow thanks a lot for posing and sharing an information of this quality, extremely helpful when it comes to and go hiding code of custom coding.....

Magento Themes
Free SMS said…
Wow, seems to be a great way as how to go about and save your custom program code using SP 2010 modal windows. Well done keep sharing posts like such.

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