Well I guess I did not do my research enough and found a site that had an even smaller SharePoint calendar by just modifying the CSS. http://pathtosharepoint.wordpress.com/2008/10/06/tiny-sharepoint-calendar-1/
With these styles below you can drastically transform your SharePoint Calendar view into a tiny box. Yes there is limited functionality but if you have been looking for something like this with no custom code you got it!
(Left) No events (Right) Events populated
Copy this CSS code below and past it into your custom CSS!
/* Remove week blocks */
.ms-cal-weekempty {display:none;}
.ms-cal-week {display:none;}
.ms-cal-weekB {display:none;}
.ms-cal-weekB {display:none;}
/* Shrink cells */
.ms-cal-workitem2B {display:none;}
.ms-cal-noworkitem2B {display:none;}
.ms-cal-nodataBtm2 {display:none;}
.ms-cal-todayitem2B {display:none;}
.ms-cal-workitem {font-size:0px;}
.ms-cal-muworkitem {font-size:0px;}
.ms-cal-noworkitem {font-size:0px;}
.ms-cal-nodataMid {font-size:0px;}
.ms-cal-todayitem {font-size:0px;}
/* thin out header */
.ms-cal-nav {display:none;}
.ms-cal-nav-buttonsltr {display:none;}
.ms-cal-navheader {padding:0px;spacing:0px;}
.ms-calheader IMG {width:15px;}
/* Abbreviate weekdays */
.ms-cal-weekday {letter-spacing:6px; width:22px; overflow: hidden;}
/* Adds border to bottom */
border-bottom: 1px #6f9dd9 solid;
Can you please help me?