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Hide #1 tab in Top Navigation (Home)

OOTB SharePoint will not allow you to remove the 1st tab on the main navigation through the UI. To do this you can simply use the following CSS below and add it to your custom CSS or use the CEWP page style method to just make the change just for that page.

If you look at the code, you will notice that each top navigation item has an ID.

  • zz1_TopNavigationMenun0 (Home Tab)
  • zz1_TopNavigationMenun1 (Tab #2)
  • zz1_TopNavigationMenun2 (Tab #3)
  • zz1_TopNavigationMenun... (Tab Etc)

Since the home tab is always #1 it is always given the ID of "0"

CSS Code:

#zz1_TopNavigationMenun0 {
display: none !important;


Anonymous said…
Hello Sir,

How to make different color tab.. for ex. i want to have Blue color for home tab, red color for Contact tab , Green color for News tab in top navigation in sharepoint... please help me

Anonymous said…
Got any answer for changing the color for diffrent tabs?
karthi K
Erik Swenson said…
Key Karthi K,

I posted this blog post on how to stylize each navigaiton tab individually:

I hope that answers your question.
Anonymous said…
Can someone help me I would like the hide everything on the allitems.aspx form but the listviewwebpart. How would you code this in the CEWP? Thanks
Peter said…
I have tried using this on a publishing site (SharePoint 2010) – but nothing happens. I have not been able to locate “zz1_TopNavigationMenun0”. Other ideas on how to hide the home tab when?
Unknown said…
This will work only in a specific page, Do we have any solution for hiding a specific tab every whare.
Michael Stack said…
Thank you very much for your post. It was very helpful.
Vinod said…
I found these ways to hide the Home Tab, w/jQuery

1. Goto Site Settings > Look and Feel > Title and Discription
In the Title Section just give "Space"

2. with jQuery $(document).ready(function() {
Sherry R. said…
What a wonderfully simple approach. Sure helped me in a pinch. Thanks.
Casey Lee said…
Step 1

Add a custom class to "TopNavigationMenuV4" on your master page

It can be anything, just add it to the CSSClass tag. Mine looks like this, with top-navigation-bar being my custom class:

CssClass="s4-tn top-navigation-bar"/>

Step 2

Add custom CSS to remove the first 'a' tag after the first 'li' tag

" ul.root > li > a {
display: none !important;

The key for the removal was to specifically target the first li and first a. If you don't do this, you will have no nav bar. You need to put !important on it too because by default it will be overridden.

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