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SharePoint 2010 Branding Support File Statistics

Have you ever wondered what are the major font types, sizes, colors, and images for SharePoint 2010? This post will cover some of the major statistics that are related to SharePoint Branding.

This post originally spawned the topic of why SharePoint uses PT’s for font sizes when PX or EM’s are much better. Kyle Schaeffer created a very nice post about why you should use one format over the other:

Over 75% of all font sizes declared in the standard SharePoint 2010 base style sheets use a font-size in Points.
Example: font-size:8pt;

Below are some other interesting statistics when it comes to other SharePoint 2010 support file statistics.

Server Side Files: Not surprisingly there are a lot of images that are used to make SharePoint look the way that it does. The number would be slightly larger if the sprite images were broken out. There a ton of CSS files and what surprised me most is the amount of unique master pages. There are three main master pages for SharePoint 2010 (v4.master, minimal.master, mwsdefaultv4.master). The main three CSS files are (COREV4.CSS, controls.css, search.css).

Server Side Files: Number
Images 2,950
CSS Files 98
Master Pages 30
Publishing Page Layouts 16

Template Details: The standard templates that come with SharePoint are majority collaboration/content based templates and meeting workspaces.

Template Details: Number
Site Templates 26
List Templates 14
Library Templates 8

Font Family: It is interesting to see that majority of all fonts in SharePoint 2010 are Verdana and Tahoma. There is really no elements that use Arial at all.

Font-Family Corev4.css: Number
verdana 41
tahoma 16
Segoe UI 8
sans-serif 1
Other 12

Font Size Types: This to me was very surprising. There are 68 instances of “PT” used just within the corev4.css file.

Size Type Corev4.css: Number
PX 969
PT 68
EM 72
% 63

Font Sizes: Majority of all of the font sizes used are 8pt. The second largest is the 1em which is equal to the 8pt specified as the base font size on the body within the corev4.css file.

Font-Size Corev4.css: Number
8pt 47
1em 20
1.3em 7
1.1em 6
10pt 5
11pt 4
1px 4
1.4em 4
16pt 1
inherit 1
Other 30

Base Colors: This was hard to track real good numbers as there was no good way of finding all of the top used colors. What you get out of the bottom table is that all of the main base colors are either dark or light blue. The main hyperlink color is the “#0072BC” color.

Colors Corev4.css: Number
transparent 85
#FFF (White) 83
#0072BC (Light Blue) 41
#000000 (Black) 34
#FFFFFF (White) 28
#003759 (Dark Blue) 24
#91cdf2 (Light Blue) 12
#83b0ec (Light Blue) 11
#3b4f65 (Dark Blue) 10
#005372 (Dark Blue) 10
#4c4c4c (Dark Gray) 10
#666666 (Dark Gray) 9
#23272c (Dark Dark Blue) 8
#6f9dd9 (Light Blue) 8
#44AFF6 (Light Blue) 7
#5d6878 (Blue Gray) 6
#003399 (Blue) 6

Display: Majority of all of the elements that are displayed are inline-block or block. It is interesting that over 20 elements are using the display:none element. This might be because of things that use JavaScript to add in inline CSS to make the what was hidden element visible. Such as drop down menus or other dynamic elements.

Display Corev4.css: Number
inline-block 56
block 46
none 21
inline 13
table 1

Float: The stats on floating elements give you the impression on how many elements are floating and could have potential display issues with your custom branding.

Float Corev4.css: Number
left 39
right 18
none 6

Position: There are more absolute positioned elements than relative.

Position Corev4.css: Number
absolute 22
relative 19
fixed 2
static 1

Image Types: As noted below, GIF files still lead the pack in file types but PNG files are making a strong upswing due to better browser support, transparencies, color values, and file size. I am pretty surprised to still see BMP files in the list.

Image Details: Number
GIF 2,026
PNG 883
JPG 24
ICO 11

Image Sizes: I am happy to see that majority of all of the images used in SharePoint are below 10KB. There is one that is 26qkb but has many icons included in it (formatmap32x32.png).

Image Size Details: Number
0-10 KB 2,852
10-100 KB 96
250 KB + 2

Overall SharePoint 2010 has come a long way of updating the CSS, Images, and files to get them to the 21 century. However there are still a lot of changes that I would like to see in SharePoint 2015.


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